Source: Arbeidstilsynet
All employees have a right to a written contract regardless of whether the position is temporary or permanent. A trial period, if there is one, must be agreed to in writing and must not exceed six months.
An employment contract should contain at least the following information:
Source: The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
If you'd like to know what a standard employment contract looks like, then here are samples drawn up by The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority in several languages.
The Working Environment Act in Norway stipulates that normal working hours are between 37.5hrs to 40hrs per week depending on who one works for.
The Holidays Act (Ferieloven) states that employees are entitled to at least 25 working days of holiday per year. Working days include Saturdays but not Sundays and public holidays. While this translates to four weeks and one day of holiday per calendar year, it is common for employees to get five weeks of holiday. Those who are 60 years and older are eligible for an extra week.
All employees are entitled to a holiday pay of at least 10.2 per cent of the previous year's salary. Those over 60 years old get a minimum of 12.5 per cent. It is common for employees to receive their holiday pay on the last normal pay day before the holiday or in June.
Employees who are ill, are allowed to be absent from work for three consecutive days without a medical certificate. However, a medical certificate is necessary in order to receive daily sickness benefits from the National Insurance Scheme.
Employees can receive a daily sickness benefit that amounts to 100 per cent of their pensionable income from the first day of absence due to sickness for up to 52 weeks.
It is the employer who pays sickness benefits for the first 16 calender days and the National Insurance Scheme takes over after that.
In general, there is no minimum wage in Norway and salaries are usually agreed to between the employer and employee as part of the employment contract.
Some guidelines, have however, been introduced in certain sectors adhering to collective agreements.