Work Life

Talent Hub supports internationals living in Agder by connecting them to our network of organisations, facilitating job searches in a competitive market. Through seminars, job start courses and monthly meetings, we offer insights into the Norwegian job market, workplace culture, and employer expectations.

Are you an international searching for work, a business or an organisation looking for international talents in Agder? Get in touch with us.

Talent Hub Database

The Talent Hub Database is a career support programme for anyone who is looking for a job in Agder. By registering in our database, your profile is then accessible to our member organisations.

Regular Seminars and Courses

  • Job Start Agder

    Job-Start Agder is a FREE 4-day intensive course targeted at international job seekers with higher education, who have gaps in their CV and are unfamiliar with the Norwegian work environment and culture.

    The course is held bi-annually and is aimed at equipping internationals with the necessary tools required to fast track their job search process.

    To facilitate this, Welcome Hub Agder has collaborated with organisations and international companies which can offer specialised knowledge and impart necessary skills required to secure a job.

    Our next course is in March. More info.

  • Talent Hub Intro & Drop-In

    Our Talent Hub Intro & Drop-In session is a monthly meeting for newcomers held on the third Thursday of every month. Here, newcomers are introduced to our Talent Hub programme and can sign-up to work with a specialist who can help them with their job search process. A Drop-In hour will follow this session and everyone is welcome to attend. 

    3rd Thursday of the month, 12:00-14:00 
    Welcome Hub Agder, Torvet 9, Arendal

    (new location @ Kopano Café)


  • Talenter i Nettverk

    Talenter i nettverk er et initiativ under vårt Talent Hub-program som hjelper nykommere med å finne sin plass og blomstre i profesjonelle og sosiale miljøer. Ved å dele nettverk, tid og ekspertise skaper vi forbindelser som fremmer tilhørighet og vekst.

    Som medlem av ressursgruppen vil du samarbeide med andre i ditt felt for å åpne dører for nykommere—veilede dem mot nettverk gjennom introduksjoner, smarte løsninger, deling av informasjon eller andre små, men viktige handlinger. Mer info

  • Talent Hub Database


    Our Talent Hub Database contains vital information on the skillsets and qualifications of international talent that already reside in Agder.

    Whether you’re an international talent or an accompanying spouse looking to showcase your skills and qualifications to get a foot in the Norwegian job market, or a business or organisation looking for highly competent workers for your industry, the Talent Hub Database is a valuable and indispensable resource for you.

Our collaborators

Arendal municipality

Agder county municipality


Caritas Arendal

Arendal adult education

Last modified 12 February 2025
Welcome Hub Agder is a programme operated by Inklusiv Agder AS in collaboration with the Arendal Municipality, as an integrated part of the community to welcome international talent and their families to Arendal and Agder.
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