Garbage and Recycling

Agder Renovasjon

Agder Renovasjon IKS is responsible for collecting, receiving and treating of waste and sludge in Arendal, Froland and Grimstad.

It has facilities in Heftingsdalen for composting food waste, grinding wood waste, sludge treatment, safety shredding and facilities for pressing plastic, paper and cardboard.

The collection of waste and sludge is tendered out to other operators.

There is also a thrift store in Heftingsdalen where you can drop off items that are in good condition for the store to sell or get a good bargain for yourself.

As of 2021, Agder Renovasjon also invoices for waste disposal. As such, you will need to contact the company when changing subscriptions and if you have any queries related to your invoice.

Contact Agder Renovasjon

Heftingsdalen waste reception (main facility)
Tel:  + 47 37 05 88 00
Address: Kristian Birkelands trasé 26, 4849 Arendal

Thrift store
Tel:  +47 40 00 65 74

Østerhus waste reception
Tel:  +47 37 05 88 00
Address: Bjønneveien 17, 4879 Grimstad

Opening hours

  • Mondays & Thursdays - 07:30-19:00
  • Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 07:30-17:00
  • Fridays: 07:30-15:30
  • Saturdays in Spring 2024 from 09:00-14:00 on the following dates - 20 & 27 April, 4 & 11 May
  • Saturdays in Autumn 2024 from 09:00-14:00 on the following dates - 21 & 28 September

Keeping track of collection dates

The easiest way to keep track of when each type of garbage is collected is to download Agder Renovasjon´s latest app. With this free app, you can get an overview of the waste collection dates based on your address, receive reminders, have a dialogue with the municipality or the recycling company if necessary, and get an overview of the sorting and recycling stations in your municipality.

Download the app - logo for Apple and Google

Annual fees

Standard annual subscription

Standard annual subscription

Most households pay a standard annual subscription fee of Nok 4589.13 which is comprised of a fixed fee amounting to Nok 1376.74 and a residual waste fee of Nok 3212.39. This standard subscription covers 140 litres of residual waste.

Residual waste refers to waste which has no recycling scheme. Examples include nappies, sanitary napkins, vacuum cleaner bags, styrofoam, ceramics, pot shards, broken glass, soiled packaging that is difficult to clean and packaging that consists of several types of materials.

The residual waste fee is determined by the volume of the residual waste bin and applies to those who have a standard subscription and those who share bins. In the case of shared bins, the residual waste fee is distributed among the housing units that share the bins.

Note that there is an additional charge if the waste bins are more than 5 meters from where the waste collection truck stops.

The standard fee entitles the household to:

  • 140 liter can for food waste - emptied every week
  • 140 liter can for paper/cardboard - emptied every 3 weeks
  • 140 liter can for residual waste - emptied every 3 weeks
  • 140 liter can for glass/metal - emptied every 8 weeks
  • 140 liter bag or 140 liter can for plastic - emptied every 3 weeks
  • Carrier bag for hazardous/EE waste that is hung on a hook on the bin - emptied every week

Households can choose to get larger bins (240 litres) for paper, plastic and glass/metal. This costs NOK 250 per delivery (regardless of the number of cans). There is also the option to get a larger bin for residual waste, but this will mean an increase in the annual waste disposal fee.

You can place an order for larger bins via

Mini subscription

Mini subscription

Households with little residual waste can opt for a mini subscription whereby the fee is 50% of the residual waste fee for 140 litres.

A yellow lid will be replaced on the residual waste bin at a charge of NOK250 and the bin will be emptied every 6 weeks. The other types of waste will be emptied at the same frequency as for the standard subscription.

You can opt for a mini subscription by sending an e-mail to

Shared subscription/collaboration

Shared subscription/collaboration

Apartment buildings, terraced houses and detached houses that are close together can choose to have a shared subscription/collaboration fee. This type of fee is also suitable for areas where it is difficult to get to with a waste disposal truck and so a common collection point can be placed closer to the road. The bins can be sorted and collected in larger shared waste containers and collected as often as a standard subscription.

The fee per housing unit is NOK 1376.74 (fixed subscription fee) plus a residual waste fee which is shared equally among the units and which is determined by the size and number of cans (the total volume) of residual waste. It costs NOK 22.95 per liter of residual waste. 

Each household receives its own bill. 

You can order the bins to share by sending an e-mail to

Cloth Diaper Allowance

New parents can receive up to NOK 1,000 in grants for cloth nappies and accessories (wet bags, disposable inserts/rice paper and nappy hooks). Cloth nappies create less waste than regular nappies.

The allowance is given once per nappy child and only applies to private applicants. In addition, to be eligible for the grant, the:

  • applicant must live in Arendal, Grimstad or Froland municipality
  • child must be born after 1 January 2021 and be under two years of age at the time when the application is submitted
  • applicant must attach a receipt for the purchase of cloth nappies/cloth nappy products (for purchases made with Vipps, attach a bank statement)
  • applicant must mail the child’s birth certificate to: Agder Renovasjon IKS, Kristian Birkelands Trasé 26, 4849 Arendal

Delivering Waste

If you have a lot of waste to get rid of, you may take it by car or a trailer to a waste facility (Heftingsdalen or Øysterhus) and throw/sort them in the designated bins onsite. A fee is applicable depending on the type of waste you are getting rid of.

Each household also receives free coupons every year for delivering waste to these waste facilities.   

"With a whopping 15.8 kg of sorted plastic per inhabitant, we can proudly say that you are among Norway's best!”
 - Free coupons and words of encouragement from Agder Renovasjon


Recycling guide

Last modified 21 October 2024
Welcome Hub Agder is a programme operated by Inklusiv Agder AS in collaboration with the Arendal Municipality, as an integrated part of the community to welcome international talent and their families to Arendal and Agder.
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